The professor told us that the next two weeks are important and he wanted to see us again for a scan to see us safely to 12weeks. So next scan in two weeks when I will be 11weeks 5days.
10 weeks
So after my great Birthday weekend I was very tired but happy. I've started to get quite thirsty.
Started to wean off the steroids today, from 20mg to 10mg - staying positive that I'll have no side affects.Went back to work after my week off resting and it is a great distraction.
Still having weird dreams and sweating loads at night. I still also have to get up two or three times a night to go the loo and end up staying awake for a couple of hours, which is not helping my tiredness!
Listened to baby's heartbeat with doppler again this morning and I can find the right place almost straight away now. It is so lovely to hear the heartbeat, it's not just for reassurance but also helps me bond with baby.
Today I got quite emotional about being pregnant. When I'm busy I forget for a short while that I am pregnant and so when I have a quiet moment it hits me again, and I think about the little baby growing and wriggling inside me!
Had a bit of a scare - went to the loo and there was red blood when I wiped. My abdomen also felt tender and achy. I found it hard to get back to sleep and so I was awake from 3:30am for most of the night. I listened to the heartbeat in the morning and all was fine. I wasn't too worried as there was no more bleeding, I was just so, so tired.
Felt so much better today after yesterday's drama. I listened with the doppler again this morning - it is now my morning treat, I only listen for about a minute but it makes me smile.
Went for a walk with Hubby and we had a good talk about the pregnancy and how it is going. It was good to talk to him because although he is happy and always asking how I am, he seems quiet about the baby. It turns out that he was so sure that last time was going to work and it didn't that he has been finding it hard to get excited and it hasn't really hit him.
11 weeks
Well after our chat yesterday it seems that it has hit Hubby that we are going to have a baby! As we reach each week milestone we always read our pregnancy books and see what is happening to the baby and the mother's body that week. This week we were told that all the baby's major systems are in place and that the pituitary gland has started working. The fact that our baby is so much more human and developed
has made it all the more real to him. We looked at 12week scans online so we could see what our baby could be like on Friday- we were both so excited and we're really hoping to see baby moving around. Hubby bought us a brilliant book that talks about the pregnancy day by day rather than week by week!:
Reducing the steroids from 10mg to 5mg from today.
Have been quite tired all week and feeling a bit queasy, it may be from the lack of steroids.
I've had a few aches on my left side which always worries me a little because that's what I had before the bleed. I've been ok though and it must just be growing pains!
I'm sooooo excited about the scan tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much baby has grown and I'm really hoping to see them move about.
Scan day! It was amazing but all over so fast. Baby is measuring ahead again and instead of being 11w5d was 12w1d! The Prof gave me a picture but it's rubbish, I think it is of the back of the baby:
Luckily Hubby videoed most of the scan - amazing!: