Exciting news - at 18 weeks 4 days Baby made themself known through kicks/movement! We had just gone to bed and I rubbed my tummy, and Hubby started talking and all of a sudden I felt two little thuds inside my abdomen. As I was telling Hubby that I thought I felt something, it happened again but much stronger so that there was no doubting it! Also the next morning during breakfast I felt it again. It has made the pregnancy different some how - more real and exciting. It has also made me more impatient, I want Hubby to be able to feel the kicks and I want my big bump now!
I have been feeling much better, I do still get tired if I stay up later than 9pm though! I'm trying to swim twice a week, pregnancy yoga once a week and have started back at Body Balance. It is so nice to be at Body Balance and finally be the one that the instructor gives adapted moves to because I'm pregnant! I am also loving Pregnancy yoga. It isn't really a workout but helps you relax and teaches you good posture and breathing techniques and positions that can help during labour. It is great because I go with my friend who is 34 weeks pregnant and there are lots of ladies all at different stages of pregnancy, and at the end we have herbal tea and biscuits and chat. You learn a lot from the instructor and the other ladies. Also someone comes and talks to us at the end of the class such as a lady who was coming to the class right up to the birth. She brought her new baby and told us her birth story and we can ask questions and get advice and tips! We also go out and socialise and I am in my element just talking about babies non-stop!
I have put on a total of 7lbs which is a healthy amount but still don't have much of a bump just look fatter:
17 weeks
19 weeks
Although I don't have much of a bump, I have noticed some changes. In the morning when normally I would have a flat stomach, I no longer do and instead I have a hard round mound! Also in the night when I turn onto my side this mound moves and squishes, and when I turn onto my back everything feels heavy - it's not exactly a pleasant feeling and I wonder what it's going to be like with a big bump!
In other news I had the flu jab last night, I spoke to the GP about whether to have it or not and he said "Have you ever had flu, how did you feel?" Say no more, I've had it once in my adult life and couldn't get out of bed or eat, and so with so many people around me with colds and bugs at the moments I decided it was for the best!
Today I went for an early-bird antenatal class at the pysio department at the hospital. It was nice to meet other expectant Mums although we didn't really get a chance to chat but I could compare bumps! The class was all about posture and looking after our pelvis, it was interesting and I picked up a few tips that could help save my back when my bump gets bigger.