About Me

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For five years I went through hell and back to become a Mummy! I had three miscarriages from natural pregnancies, five IUI attempts, five IVF attempts, and three operations to remove endometriosis, a polyp and a fibroid. I have been with my 'almost perfect' Husband since 2003. We married in 2009 on Valentine's Day and we are extremely happy together. I decided to start a blog because I needed to write down my thoughts and feelings to show myself and others how I was never going to give up until we got our forever baby.

Since having my baby, I'm inspired to create: Baby Blankets by Me & Mum

Thursday 8 March 2012

The Ultimate Website!

Please have a look at the website www.fertilitypoints.com which my clever Hubby has created. He has gathered information from hundreds of sources and put it all in one place so that people like us don't have to waste hours searching the net for answers on fertility.

Any feedback welcome!

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