About Me

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For five years I went through hell and back to become a Mummy! I had three miscarriages from natural pregnancies, five IUI attempts, five IVF attempts, and three operations to remove endometriosis, a polyp and a fibroid. I have been with my 'almost perfect' Husband since 2003. We married in 2009 on Valentine's Day and we are extremely happy together. I decided to start a blog because I needed to write down my thoughts and feelings to show myself and others how I was never going to give up until we got our forever baby.

Since having my baby, I'm inspired to create: Baby Blankets by Me & Mum

Wednesday 14 September 2011


So the boring bit of the cycle is out of the way and my body has had a few weeks to adjust to the new pills. I decided to poas from CD11 and sure enough I had to keep going for 8 days and finally those two darks lines showed up on the cheap test stick yesterday - let the baby making begin!

As for the DHEA, let's recap some of the positives from taking it: 

  • Improved overall feeling - I am a lot more positive these days, does that count?
  • Physically stronger - I've not been at the weights to test this.
  • Improved sex drive - still waiting and praying for this one to kick in!
  • Mentally sharper and Better memory - I can't remember if this has happened!

And let's recap on some of the possible side effects :

  • Fine facial hair - could someone please tell me if my moustache is any worse?
  • A slight deepening of voice - no Adam's Apple growing!
  • Acne, particularly on the back - not on the back but spots along my hairline which could remain hidden by my fringe if I didn't pick them! 
  • Perspiration- I'm no Sweaty Betty!
  • Hair thinning/loss - in the last couple of days I have noticed more hair loss when combing, so I'm going to keep an eye on that but like Hubby says " better to be bald and pregnant" !!!
The main thing is my sleep, the Melatonin helps me to sleep heavily for the first part, so until about 4.30am but then it is a battle to get back to sleep and remain so. It is a very restless night with loads of dreams - none of them good! But strangely I don't go around feeling knackered all day?

But there is a positive in all this - the pills I bought from an online store in the USA are actually the real deal!

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