About Me

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For five years I went through hell and back to become a Mummy! I had three miscarriages from natural pregnancies, five IUI attempts, five IVF attempts, and three operations to remove endometriosis, a polyp and a fibroid. I have been with my 'almost perfect' Husband since 2003. We married in 2009 on Valentine's Day and we are extremely happy together. I decided to start a blog because I needed to write down my thoughts and feelings to show myself and others how I was never going to give up until we got our forever baby.

Since having my baby, I'm inspired to create: Baby Blankets by Me & Mum

Sunday 1 January 2012

Christmas Eve

Hubby and I love Christmas and this year we spent it with Hubby's parents.
During the advent period we tried to get into the Christmas spirit as much as possible - buying new decorations for our new house, buying a new tree and wreath for the door. We went to the pub and had mulled wine, went round the local Christmas market, ate tons of mince pies and went to the cinema to see the latest Christmas film. We even bought a Christmas music CD to play in the car on our travels over the Christmas period. All this was nearly spoilt by a visit to hospital on Christmas Eve!

On 23rd I started getting bad period pains and passed a couple of small clots but didn't have any bleeding apart from slight spotting. On the morning of Christmas Eve the pain turned really bad but there were no more clots and the spotting was no worse. We were travelling to stay with family but an hour into the journey I couldn't bear the pain any longer and Hubby had to stop off at a hospital. I was seen quickly and given morphine which eventually dulled the pain.
A doctor came to A & E from the gyny ward and she was pretty useless - her summary of what I was going through was 'you've just panicked, and it's just a bad period'. How can it be a period without proper bleeding, and at no point during the extreme pain I was going through did I panic! Also she examined me and then walked off without saying get dressed and I'll be back! So I got dressed and after 30mins Hubby went and asked a nurse when she was coming back. He was told that she wasn't and we could go! Hubby asked had she left the pain killers or a prescription for me as she said she would, but she hadn't. The nurse was really nice and got another doctor to prescribe me painkillers.

Not a pleasant start to our Christmas!

In the early hours of Boxing Day I passed a large clot and I thought my period was starting but there was nothing more than the bit of spotting that I've had on and off since the Miscarriage bleeding tailed off. And yesterday (31st December) the spotting had almost gone completely!

I did have quite bad pains on 28th December, this time while travelling to stay with my Mum. I could tell that they were to do with my endometriosis and the pain killers the hospital had given me worked. I've had a few since then and realised that it is over a year now since I had the endo removed and perhaps I need another op to remove it again. So it looks like another trip to the docs is in order!

Not a great start to the New Year!

But on a positive note, well sort off - the pregnancy tests are finally negative! So the next positive one should hopefully be our forever baby!

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