About Me

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For five years I went through hell and back to become a Mummy! I had three miscarriages from natural pregnancies, five IUI attempts, five IVF attempts, and three operations to remove endometriosis, a polyp and a fibroid. I have been with my 'almost perfect' Husband since 2003. We married in 2009 on Valentine's Day and we are extremely happy together. I decided to start a blog because I needed to write down my thoughts and feelings to show myself and others how I was never going to give up until we got our forever baby.

Since having my baby, I'm inspired to create: Baby Blankets by Me & Mum

Friday 13 January 2012

Plan B's

I've been thinking too much and going over things a lot lately. I'm starting to stress a bit and almost panic. I realise it is because the letter with the results from the testing of 'The Products of Conception' is due - they said it would take between 6 and 8 weeks.

I realise that I've put a lot of pressure on myself hoping that this cycle ends with a positive result. I'm thinking that a positive result will make me feel like a 'normal' woman who can get pregnant as nature intended. Whereas I'm seeing a negative result as the start of another long slog of trying.

So as usual I have to have a plan B if this cycle doesn't work. My plan B as of this morning was another attempt at IUI. Last year our 3rd attempt at IUI ended with me over-stimulating and I had too many follicles for the cycle to go ahead and so I am entitled to another go. I responded well to clomid and with me taking all my vits etc it might actually work.
I've rang the clinic and spoke to a nurse and they want me to go in for fresh bloods, swabs and refresher training about it all. This is fine with me but the nurse wanted me to ring the reception to get an appointment. Why couldn't she have helped me with this? Getting the receptionists to answer the phone and give me an appointment is like trying to get blood from a stone! I know they are busy but the clinic really needs to sort this out! So I have left a message and now I wait and wait and wait!

Another Plan B if it doesn't work is to go to the GP and see if they will prescribe Clomid and if they won't can they refer me to the clinic so that they can. Also while I'm there I'll ask the GP for a referral to have the op to remove the endo seeing as how the FS hasn't replied to my email.

Also after the biopsy if this cycle is negative I am going to go back on the DHEA.

You have to have a Plan B, just in case!

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