About Me

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For five years I went through hell and back to become a Mummy! I had three miscarriages from natural pregnancies, five IUI attempts, five IVF attempts, and three operations to remove endometriosis, a polyp and a fibroid. I have been with my 'almost perfect' Husband since 2003. We married in 2009 on Valentine's Day and we are extremely happy together. I decided to start a blog because I needed to write down my thoughts and feelings to show myself and others how I was never going to give up until we got our forever baby.

Since having my baby, I'm inspired to create: Baby Blankets by Me & Mum

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Our Son's Birth Story!

At 41 weeks I said to Hubby that the pressure today felt different but I wasn't sure whether it was wishful thinking. That evening I started getting period type pains again but when we went to bed around 9pm I noticed that they weren't a constant ache but regular, timable contractions, 8 minutes apart lasting 45 seconds! I told Hubby and tried to convince him to go to sleep saying that I would let him know if I needed him or if there were any major developments but he was too excited! I tried to go to sleep myself as is advised but I don't know how anyone does it - you relax and every so many minutes you get a rude awakening!

The midwife had said to ring the hospital when the contractions were 5 minutes apart lasting a minute. Mine were soon 5 minutes apart but still not lasting a minute. They were getting quite painful so I asked Hubby to put the Tens machine on me and it did help, I only used this and breathing techniques for nearly the whole labour. I had my breakfast and went back to bed even though I couldn't sleep. Hubby was downstairs when I rang him from upstairs at 6.30am because I felt a pop and my waters had gone and I didn't want to move incase they went everywhere but surprisingly they were more of a trickle. Hubby helped me to the bathroom and we discussed whether or not to ring the hospital but decided we should because I noticed a green colour to the waters and was worried in case the baby had pooed in the uterus which could be a sign of distress. We rang the hospital at 7am and they asked a few questions to try and establish whether I needed to go in yet. One of the questions was whether I had the Tens machine on the highest setting yet - which I never did for the whole labour! They advised to have a bath, eat and wait until the contractions were longer.

Hubby ran me a bath but as soon as I lay down in it I had a strong contraction and practically screamed at him to get me out - that was the end of our waterbirth dream!

I was still concerned with the colour of the water I was leaking and the fact that the pain was much worse now, and I insisted that Hubby rang the hospital back and we were told to go in. Upon leaving the house the neighbour across the road spotted us and was asking if this was it - I was trying to get in the car and look 'normal'! Also, nearly every light was red and at one set a lady on a bicycle next to our car was staring in while I writhed in pain!

We arrived at the hospital at 8.15am and even though it's not far to the labour ward I struggled and had to keep stopping with the contractions. The midwives allocated me a room and the one who would be looking after me introduced herself. When she did the first examination at 8.30am we were all pleased to find out that I was already 4-5cm dilated. I was hooked up to a monitor so they could keep an eye on the baby's heartbeat, unfortunately it also shows the contractions building and peaking and I ended up watching this and getting more upset.

The midwife said she would examine me again in 4 hours but the pains were too much and I asked to be checked at 11.15am and I had progressed to 7-8cm! The midwife explained that there are a couple of points or transitional periods where you think you can't go on but you are close to the end. I was at one of  these points. Three hours later (2pm) they examined me again and I was at 9cm, just part of the cervix hadn't thinned - everyone was saying the end is in sight!

For nearly the whole of the labour I stood on one spot with all my weight in one leg. I couldn't be examined on the bed unless it was very quick and straight after a contraction. I found it hard to eat or drink anything and the midwife and Hubby were concerned as my urine samples showed had  ketones:

"Ketosis is a common outcome for women who experience a prolonged labour (or prelabour), becoming dehydrated and often causing their contractions to weaken, slow or stop. This can start to happen if glycogen (or glucose) is not being replenished through eating and drinking in their labour.
The work of labour means that the woman's body has high-energy needs, depleting her stores of available glycogen very quickly. When the body has excessive amounts of ketones (meaning the woman is 'ketotic'), she can feel very weak and lethargic, develop a fever and a have fast pulse. Her uterus does not contracting efficiently, and her labour slows (or stops)."

Hubby was practically force feeding me dextrose tablets, and the threat of the labour lasting even longer got me eating some sweets and drinking water and juice.

Two hours later I was still at 9cm as part of the cervix still hadn't thinned. They called a doctor and he examined me and found that the baby's head was asynclitic:

"Asynclitism means asymmetrical. Its when a baby’s head is tipped towards one shoulder. The tipped head has a harder time passing through the narrow part of the pelvis; the ishial spines. Labor becomes longer, and sometimes baby doesn't fit out the pelvis."

They decided that I needed to go on a drip to make the contractions more regular and slightly longer in the hope that the baby's head would turn and thin out the rest of the cervix. This really upset me as I was only just coping with the pain as it was and the thought of more pain, more often tipped me over the edge and so I asked for an epidural. The midwife went to speak to the anaesthetist but he was in theatre and they said he would be about 20 minutes but in reality he didn't get to me for an hour and 40 minutes, and in the meantime they started the drip. I had to take the Tens machine off while they did the epidural and it took a little while to complete but when it was done - WOW, the relief!

They turned the drip right up but now I couldn't feel anything. An hour later they checked me again but there was no change. It was getting late and they didn't want to wait any longer to intervene and so they said I would need a C-section. I was so scared and regretted having watched so many TV programmes about childbirth! The staff were very reassuring and answered all my questions and double checked I couldn't feel anything before they started as I was being paranoid. I asked Hubby to look into my eyes and kiss me as a distraction. It was over so fast - I didn't even know they had started! They asked Hubby if he was squeamish and he isn't and so he was allowed to look over the curtain and he saw our son's head sticking out of the incision and then the surgeons pulling on it and lifting our baby out of me. Hubby said "it's a boy" and we heard him cry. Isaac's head was born at 22:48 and the rest of him at 22:49. He was wrapped in towels and given to his Daddy who showed him to me. He weighed 7lbs4oz.

We were taken to recovery and our son was passed to me and put on my chest so we could have skin-to-skin bonding and I started breast feeding. It all seemed surreal but wonderful - we had done it, we are a family, we have our happy ending!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

41 Weeks - One week overdue with an eviction notice!

So Baby has decided to stay put. Hubby said to his Mum on the phone - it took us so long to get Baby in there and now we can't get Baby out!

Thursday evening I had period pain type aches most of the night and so thought that there might have been some progress but when I saw the consultant on Friday and he attempted a sweep, there was no change! So I am seeing the midwife tomorrow at 41weeks1day for a third attempt at a sweep and then we have the rest of the week for Baby to make a move or on 30th April at 10am we will be going to hospital to start the induction process. Baby has to come out!


41 Week Bump

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

40 Weeks - Due Date!

Can you believe it - we've done a full pregnancy!
I've put on 1 stone 5lbs and luckily it's all bump!

40 Weeks Bump pic

Still feeling fine and have no signs that baby is coming. I went to the midwife yesterday and I may have a UTI, I have to ring for the results Friday. They also offered me a sweep and I was torn as to whether to have one or not. I really want my body to do what it's meant to do when it's ready, however I really don't want to be induced and really want a water birth. So I decided to try the sweep. It was very uncomfortable and I was glad when she stopped. My cervix is very posterior and long still and she couldn't do the sweep. At least we know that conditions are not favourable for labour at the moment but I don't know whether I'll try a sweep again in a hurry!

So I don't mind waiting a bit longer for Baby after all this time. We're so excited though - like kids at Christmas!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

39 Weeks!

Wow - I really thought I would have Baby early for some reason and yet here we are at 39 weeks, just one week away from baby's due date. We've been going for walks and I've been bouncing on my birth ball. I get lots of tightenings but no pains yet!

I've been getting quite worried for no reason, it just seems the longer we wait the more I find it hard to believe that we will soon be bringing a baby home. I'm not nervous or worried about labour - it's just that after all we have been through I find it difficult to accept that we will finally be parents and get our happy ending. I'm not being negative and I know it's irrational, in fact it's hard to explain. We're so excited and just impatient!


38 Week Bump


39 Week Bump

We saw the midwife yesterday and Baby's head is 3/5ths engaged and Baby is in an ideal position for birth, this does not indicate that Baby will come soon though. We see the midwife next Monday for our full-term appointment, and then we're back to the consultant a week Friday for our 41weeks appointment - probably to discuss induction!

We're really hoping that we don't make it to either of these appointments! Come on Baby!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

37 Weeks - Full Term/ Fully Baked!

At 37 weeks my pregnancy is considered full term - how wonderful to have made it this far!


37 weeks bump pics

I've finally completed a birth plan - I'm sure there is stuff that I've forgotten but what is important to us is on there:

Birth Plan
·              I would like to use a birthing pool if available
·              I would like the room to be as quiet as possible with the lights dimmed
·              Please don't offer me pain medication, I'll request it if I need it
·              I would like to touch my baby's head as it crowns and view it using a mirror if possible 
·              I would like to labour down until the urge to push is felt and I would appreciate firm advice and guidance at this time to guard against too quick a delivery giving the perineum time to fan out thus (hopefully) preventing a tear
·              I would like to give birth without an episiotomy
·              I would like my Husband to be in the pool and help "catch" our baby, and he is to tell me what sex the baby is if I don’t see for myself 
·              I would like to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before it's clamped and cut by my Husband
·              I would like to hold my baby right away and have our skin-to-skin “Golden Hour”, putting off any procedures that aren't urgent. If I can’t do this my Husband will
·              I would like to deliver the placenta spontaneously and without assistance
·              I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible and want our baby to be breastfed only please: no bottles, pacifiers, artificial nipples, formula, or water
·              I would like our newborn to stay with us at all times, and can all physical exams and procedure be done in the room with us
·              The baby can have the Vitamin K injection
·              I would like a side room if one is free when moved from the labour ward, we are willing to pay for this

I have also finished packing the Baby's hospital bag at last! So all we need now is the baby! No signs yet and my bump hasn't dropped so we could be in for the long haul! I'm not fed up of being pregnant, in fact I'm loving the baby moving and feeling the feet so clearly at the moment but I am feeling impatient with excitement. I've only been on maternity leave a couple of days though and I'm bored! I have been doing a bit of housework and finishing off preparing for Baby's arrival - oh and a bit of resting! So whenever you're ready Baby D - we are!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Baby Shower #2 - 36 Weeks

So I had a second baby shower at home for my friends and a few neighbours and it was lovely to chat to them all and show them the nursery. Luckily my Mum came to stay and her and Hubby helped me get everything ready and tidy in time. I got some lovely presents for me and the Baby - we're very lucky!
One of my friends had special cakes made:

So here I am at 36 weeks:

I only have 3 days left at work. I know I will miss it at first and be bored so I have started making a list of what I need to do before Baby arrives. I also know that it is time to finish as I am quite uncomfortable now - I have a permanently stuffy nose and that doesn't help my breathlessness, my bump is tight quite a lot of the time and I have started getting period like pains every now and then. Plus my groin and hips have started to ache - must be all this baby weight as I have put on 1 stone 4 pounds now!

I have packed my hospital bag and there is one for Hubby but I still haven't packed Baby's bag - we have so many lovely things for him/her that I can't decide and want to pack most of the wardrobe!!

I am still seeing the consultant but don't need any more scans now as they are happy with Baby's growth and position, which is great. I did have a gestational diabetes test as I had sugar in my urine sample at the last two  appointments but it came back all clear which means I can stuff myself with Easter Eggs!

I'm so excited and feel ready for Baby to come whenever they feel ready now!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Baby Shower #1- 34 weeks!

My Mum organised a great baby shower for me back home. She invited so many people that we had to hire a venue rather than try to squeeze everyone into her house! Hubby was off work so he was able to take me which stopped everyone fussing about me driving on the motorway while heavily pregnant and tired. I thought it was also great for him to experience the shower too - so much happiness and love from everyone for our baby.

Mum had bought several huge scrummy cakes and my Auntie had made scones and pink and blue fairy cakes:

One of my cousins made a gorgeous coffee cake, and Mum's best friend bought a huge Baby Shower cake:

My family were such a great help to my Mum and me at the shower. My Sister-in-law collected my Mum and all the stuff and helped her set up the venue. My Aunties sorted out the tea and coffee for those people not drinking from the bar. My cousins sorted out the music and games such as guess how many babies in the bottle, guess the size of the pregnancy bump, guess the baby food, match the family photographs of babies and how they look now, name the baby of each type of animal and guess the celebrity from their baby picture. We also gave everyone a raffle ticket when they arrived and Mum had put together a prize box! Everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves.

Hubby and I were overwhelmed by everyone's kindness and generosity - our baby will be so loved and spoiled! Here are just a few of the gifts:



I bought and wrapped Hubby a present so he didn't feel left out:

So here I am at 34 weeks:

34 Week bump pic

I still can't believe I am pregnant and one day very soon I will have our baby in my arms!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Babymoon at 32 weeks!

For our 4th Wedding Anniversary Hubby surprised me with a short break away! He knew that before I was pregnant I always wanted to go somewhere where I could wear a bikini with my bump and shock people. I didn't think we would get away as it is late in the pregnancy now and we have spent any spare cash on home improvements. But I woke up early on Monday morning and Hubby was awake and reached over and felt my bump and was surprised to find Baby wriggling around loads - he said s/he must know that we're going away! It was such a lovely surprise!

We went to Landudno, Wales and stayed two nights in a lovely Spa Hotel. We relaxed by the pool, went for walks along the front (and the sun was out!), did some shopping, ate loads of lovely food and watched a couple of DVDs! It was great to spend quality time together and relax!

In my shocking pink bikini at 32 weeks!

Sunday, 10 February 2013

The nursery!

Hubby has worked really hard on the nursery and here is the finished result:

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

30 Weeks - The Home Stretch!

Wow, I can't believe that I am 30 weeks pregnant and that Baby is considered full-term in only 7 weeks! I still have days when I forget I'm pregnant and I go to stand up or run up the stairs and I can't so easily! I have been so lucky with the pregnancy so far and have only suffered with heartburn and lately a bit of restless legs.

I keep getting an image in my mind of tiny baby legs - I think it is because allowing myself to picture a whole baby in my arms is too emotionally overwhelming. After all we have been through I can't believe that soon we will have our own baby! It's so exciting and I feel so impatient but so ready!

I had a midwife appointment at 28+1 and I discussed palpitations and breathlessness with her and she said did I have any fears or was anything worrying me? I said no and she said so it's not panic attacks related to the pregnancy and I don't need to see the counsellor unless I want to. She said it's medical not pregnancy related and I need to see my GP again - I didn't bother as I know I mainly get them when I sit down after eating and if I get too hot, and not just when I walk around. I've been trying not to panic and keep myself busy after meals which helps.
Also I had a UTI (something showed up in my urine dip test even though  I had no symptoms) so took antibiotics. Had bloods taken and they were all ok. The midwife measured my bump and felt baby and said I was all bump and it was lovely to feel baby like that. She also listened to heartbeat with the doppler and said she couldn't guess whether it's a boy or girl as baby's heartbeat was right down the middle! I didn't really want her to guess - we've waited this long! Also baby kicked the doppler when she was trying to listen which was funny! She asked if I felt at least 10 kicks a day and I said I think so but s/he defo has a routine.I also asked her about being tested for Strep B and she said it was up to me and to have it if it would put my mind at rest but if it came back positive it would have to go on my notes and I probably couldn't have a waterbirth as I would be hooked up to IV Anti-B's during labour. She said they have hundreds of women with it who don't know and are fine with no problems, and it is normally women who have it and have symptoms who they worry about or something like that.I told her about the private scan and she said that it's still early and the baby can still get into different positions so no worries about breech. Also she predicted the baby would be lighter than 8lbs, around 7lbs5oz.

28 weeks

28 weeks


29 weeks

30 weeks

1st Feb at 29 weeks 3 days we had a scan and consultant appointment. The results were mixed. The scan showed the umbilical cord had good blood flow and that the baby has now moved to head down - which must have been the weird sensation I had one night in bed which I thought was a hand or foot scraping the whole of my bump! Also another positive is that the placenta has moved and is now almost two centimetres away from the cervix and so a bit more movement could ensure I can have the natural birth that I want.
Some of the mixed results were the baby's measurements. The head measure 30w1d, the abdomen measured spot on dates but the legs were nearly two weeks small but still are in the green 'normal' zone. The sonographer said it's not unusual and there is also the fact that I am short. However, what this all meant was that on the baby's growth chart it showed that the baby was measuring smaller than it was at the 3D scan a week and a half ago. The consultant thinks that this is probably all down to measuring inaccuracies but they have to err on the side of caution and so we are back to see him and be rescanned in two weeks. He did also have to explain that if it was true that they would have to see me more often, I wouldn't be allowed to go overdue, and if necessary I would be induced early. Of course this all made me quite tearful but Hubby doesn't believe any of it and is sure that the next scan will prove that baby has been measured wrong at one or more of the scans.

The nursery is almost finished - just some pictures to go up! Some of latest purchases include a range of nappies to try, some car window blinds, changing bags, breast gel pads and a sling to carry baby around in:

After this week I have a weeks work, a week off, then four weeks of work and then I'm on maternity!