About Me

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For five years I went through hell and back to become a Mummy! I had three miscarriages from natural pregnancies, five IUI attempts, five IVF attempts, and three operations to remove endometriosis, a polyp and a fibroid. I have been with my 'almost perfect' Husband since 2003. We married in 2009 on Valentine's Day and we are extremely happy together. I decided to start a blog because I needed to write down my thoughts and feelings to show myself and others how I was never going to give up until we got our forever baby.

Since having my baby, I'm inspired to create: Baby Blankets by Me & Mum

Sunday 23 September 2012

Femara & TTC Naturally Round 2 = BFP!

At 9.30pm on 12th August at 12DPO I peed on  a Superdrug test and passed it to my Hubby. I proceeded to get ready for bed and left him to read the result.

Hubby: I took the test into the 'nursery' and watched hopefully as the pink pigment moved along the test. After only 30 seconds a very faint pink line was visible and it started to get darker and darker. I was filming the test with my video camera and I wanted to film Wifey's reaction but she was brushing her teeth, so I waited patiently staring at the line in disbelief. After about 2 minutes I gave up waiting and walked back  into the bathroom showing Wifey the test while filming her.

Meanwhile, because Hubby was taking so long to tell me the result my brain was doing overtime thinking either it hasn't worked or he would have been back sooner, or he's just timing it and will be back when the 3 minutes is up. I could see his shadow and even the sticks shadow when I looked into the hallway. From the shadow I thought he was holding the test up to the light to try and see a line. So when he came into the bathroom I just put my toothbrush down and tried to figure out the test he was showing me - I couldn't believe it, we'd done it!

All day I had been saying our baby names over and over in my head because it keeps me positive!

So did I have an inkling that this month could be the positive cycle? Well from 5 or 6DPO I had slight 'dodgy stomach' pains and I thought it was from drinking diet coke. Also my boobs were very sore, more so than I can remember in a cycle for a while. I had one episode of food repeating on me which Hubby thought was a sure sign as I had that last time. Just before I found out I felt a bit nauseous and very tired. Also I hadn't been snappy, a normal PMT sign. The final thing was I was sort of hopeful after getting a faint line last cycle - it gave me a feeling that it was possible!

13DPO I felt my breathing was slightly more heavier and I felt slightly dizzy. I peed on a digital test and got Pregnant 2-3 weeks!

We were going on holiday the next day so we went to the doctors and I got more high dose folic acid and steroids and informed the midwife. I rang to book a scan with the Professor but they said that unfortunately she was off when I was supposed to have my 6week scan so I would have to wait until 7 weeks. I decided I couldn't wait that long so I emailed the prof myself and she said that her colleague would scan me when I was back off holiday.

So apart from feeling fat because of massive sore boobs and bloating, I wasn't panicking too much and just felt calm and extremely happy. 

Initial due date based on LMP (last menstrual period) 24th April 2013.

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